Archive for the Indigenous Category

How to (non-violently) sabotage railways

Posted in Corporations, Direct Action & Civil Disobedience, Earth Liberation, Environment, Indigenous, Revolution with tags , , on June 28, 2013 by Ⓐb Irato

Ecodefense is a historical artifact. It be argued that it is the most controversial environmental book ever published; more importantly, though, it is a key exhibit in the legal history of freedom of the press in the United States. The First Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified in 1791. It reads in part, “Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press.” That enshrined freedom of the press and speech sets the United States of America apart from all other nations. No other country so jealously defends the right of its citizens to speak and publish controversial ideas. Though we do not fetishize non-violence or ascribe to a pathology of pacifism, we thought it was worthwhile, in the context of the current indigenous and anti-civ resistance movements, to republish these easy (and harmless to life, as opposed to capital) instructions for railway disruption, courtesy of comrades in so-called “Southern Ontario”. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: The below text is for educational & entertainment purposes only.

Choose a section of railway tracks with a degree of privacy. Using no less than 12 feet of large gauge copper wire (plastic casing removed), wrap each end of the wire around the two railway ties and back onto themselves, ensuring as much contact with the railway tie as possible. As soon as both ends are securely in place, the circuit will be complete and the railway traffic signals in the area will signal that there is a barrier on the tracks. Leave promptly.

October 5th, 2012: Call for Day of Action Against Mexican, US & Canadian Consulates & Embassies

Posted in Corporations, Direct Action & Civil Disobedience, Earth Liberation, Environment, Government, Indigenous, Revolution on September 9, 2012 by Ⓐb Irato

From Decolonize the World:

On October 5th, 2012 we are calling for a global day of action against the Mexican, US, and Canadian consulates and embassies worldwide. We are not recommending any particular actions; instead we are calling for as many people as possible to expose the role of these entities in resource extraction and poisoning of the earth, genocides, and assassinations of rebels rising up against the many headed hydra of capitalism—especially its mining companies.

In the spirit of resistance, we are calling for actions against the embassies of these countries to reaffirm our solidarity with Indigenous peoples who are fighting back against the systemic rape of the earth and exposing the sickness of capitalism. The three fascist governments of Mexico, the US, and Canada make up the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

Canada is a legal exception with regards to mining policy: it is the only nation-state that does not require its companies to follow its own laws when operating in another nation-state.  While it is important to call attention to Canada’s exceptional legal status, it is equally if not more important to recognize that all mining is fundamentally unsustainable and will always be pitted against the earth and its inhabitants.

Mining companies are maintained by the militaries and police forces of these fascist states.  Whenever a population rises up to stop the exploitation of the land, they are inevitably confronted by the forces of the Policia Federal, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, or the Federal Bureau of Investigations.  In the most unstable situations, insurgent populations are encircled by the military and put under siege.

These companies and governments have not relented in their efforts to enslave and poison the planet within their webs of fences, pipelines, murder and money.  They must be confronted directly and it is our hope that this call serves to bolster intergalactic solidarity in the fight against capitalism, genocide, and slavery.  We welcome all actions against these institutions and recommend the wide spread diffusion of this call out.

No borders or prisons can contain or suppress our intergalactic solidarity.
Long live life!
Long live freedom!
Love and Solidarity!
This action is part of the Decolonize the New World 2012: West Coast Anti-Colonial, Anti-Capitalist Convergence in San Francisco during Columbus Day weekend. The convergence is being called for by Decolonize and Anti-Capitalist comrades in the Pacific Northwest and Bay Area.

Chile: Letter to the CCF from a nihilist accused in the bombs case

Posted in Anarchism, Animal Liberation, Corporations, Direct Action & Civil Disobedience, Earth Liberation, Environment, Government, Immigration & Borders, Indigenous, Police State, Prisoner Support, Revolution with tags , on November 28, 2011 by Ⓐb Irato

14 anarchists, libertarios, and social fighters were arrested on August 14th and accused of terrorism by the Chilean state, around the media-driven "Bombs Case". They have all been released into house arrest. 10 of them carried out a 65-day hunger strike from 2/21 to 4/27, winning several of their demands. Some of the "association" charges were dropped, but 5 comrades are still facing political trial beginning November 28. The struggle continues until all are free and the prisons are destroyed! INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY with the compañerxs kidnapped by the Chilean democracy. The passion for freedom knows no borders!

From culmine, translated by war on society:

Greetings brothers and sisters of the CCF, and to Theofilos Mavropoulos, I send you a fraternal embrace full of affection and complicity across the distance…

It is certain that we are judged by some for being anarchists, the eternal enemies of power, and that it is our theory made practice for long years that they now intend to severely punish.

Your voice has reached my heart, those sincere words full of solidarity caress my face, that strength animates me and your conviction I love; knowing that behind those bars there are not groans of sorrow, but rather screams of hatred, rage, hope — this gladdens me and makes me reaffirm that we are on the right path; it is then that I realize that each day new comrades are born who return to give sense to our new urban guerrilla, which is no longer merely local but is international, thanks in great part to the FAI and the contribution by you the CCF. Moreover I consider important the contribution that you are making in the circles linked to anarchist individualism, and our new and beautiful Nihilism.

We feel the same hatred toward the state, the same total disregard towards the new happy slave, towards the stupid mass that lets itself be led, we feel the same impotence of not being able to demolish the extermination centers that hold us captive, we feel multiple orgasms when we deliver ourselves completely to the realization of anarchy…

We are far away, but from here the distance is nothing, we are sure that sooner than later we will find each other whether in Greece, Italy, Chile or Mexico; our insurrectionalist-Nihilist international has battle camps in the streets of the entire world and there will always be space for individuals who understand that anarchy is not a cheap ideology but rather an idea that lives and conceives itself in direct action, because we know that the damned powerful will not give up their privileges and will defend them to the end of their dirty lives…

It is for this reason that we must communicate the importance of the threat of our new nihilism, it is for this reason that we have to accept that in order to triumph with our idea, we must drown the enemy in blood, and so with our sharp knives we will continue advancing toward the encounter with chaos, toward the creative nothing, and we will throw ourselves naked into that beautiful abyss where there is complete individual freedom…

I endorse the FAI-IRF. The Informal Anarchist Federation – International Revolutionary Front that is doubtless the Black International of the anarchists of action, since it has shown its capacity to respond in the face of the challenges that are emerging around the world…

But your call is not only for those who are in the bombs case, but rather has passed also to our dear brother Luciano, to whom our greatest homage will be to give him the harvest of actions that we realize with our hands…

You have also dedicated words to our brother Cristóbal Bravo, who was recently beaten by paid cowards, and it is here that it becomes important to shout loudly that the attack on property is not sufficient, which our Russian nihilist comrades understood very well and showed us that we must go further, without fear of disaster, it is your lives or ours or that of some comrade in prison, for now the impunity of that deed strikes me hard in the heart; they say that revenge is a plate best served cold, they also say that vengeance kills the soul and poisons you, I believe strongly that vengeance is the dessert in a meal for a nihilist, therefore one must not wait for facts before acting, and the main course will be to take the offensive since there are stupid cowards on all sides…

Comrades, my most heartfelt respect to your organization CCF and for the revolutionary anarchist Theofilos Mavropoulos, for all your contribution to the anarchic struggle and all the dignity that has been shown during your trial and your time in prison, I want to tell you that as great as those walls may be they cannot hide the enormous dignity and the great courage that you have shown to us the anarchists of the entire world.

Today you raise your fist, yelling “SOLIDARITY” in the international language of anarchy. And at the same time, with the other hand you hold firmly the knife of nihilism to sink it into the bowels of this world of Power and submission, well good; I from here send you all strength and energy that you may never wane! And know that nothing can separate us, we have begun an international anarchist offensive and we will not stop until we get to see the total end of all authority, of all society, of all gods, of all morals…

I take with my two hands, firmly and without hesitation, your knife of nihilism so that together we sink it into the heart of every tyrant, of every cop, of every jailer, of every bourgeois so that upon their corpses we can dance, laugh, fuck, enjoy and conquer once and for all our total freedom!

The death of our brother Mauricio Morales and the death of comrade Lambros Fountas, the loss of Luciano‘s hands and the loss of Simos Seisidis‘s wounded leg are an eternal call to fight, no anarchist wounded or killed in combat will be forgotten, it is the hour to thrust our dagger into the heart of the capitalist beast, they are our nourishment.









NIHIL, an irreducible awaiting trial…

The revolt continues… until total liberation!

Posted in Anarchism, Direct Action & Civil Disobedience, Government, Indigenous, Labor, Police State, Prisoner Support, Revolution, Student Movement, Work, Labor, & Wage Slavery with tags on September 14, 2011 by Ⓐb Irato

Circulo Individualista a veces el Fuego

“We fight for the liberation of the individual. For the conquest of life. For the triumph of our ideas. For the realization of our dreams. And if our ideas are dangerous, it is because we are those who love to live dangerously. And if our dreams are crazy, it is because we are crazy. But our madness is our great wisdom…” [1]

There they were, the voracious youth again, destroying everything, erecting barricades, clashing with police, nothing could stop them… There is fire and passion in their hearts, love and hatred on their insides, courage and decision. The beauty of chaos has returned to grace the streets, it is not only fire that adorns the asphalt, it is also the energy of the youth, the abolition of the sexes, everyone in the struggle…

Will this struggle bear fruit? To want to study just to be someone in life? The individual who goes searching for real happiness, does not stop at so little, she knows that she can educate herself, and although that path is longer, that doesn’t make it less interesting, because everything else is interminable…

To raze the school is possible today, like it was done in the colegio Guillermo Cruz de Estaciòn Central, in the colegio Gabriel Gonzales Videla, that sheltered the students of liceo Insuco 2 from the earthquake and also the Polytechnic of Arica; those places intentionally lit ablaze by those beautiful pajarillas who understand that this destruction is a great step towards the conquest of life…

The journey is intense and difficult, it always has been, when individuals fed up with their miserable conditions organize and attack. One cannot be afraid of those who organize only for one specific goal although it is only to destroy, because at this point we know that to build, we must destroy…

And all the reasoning these petty politicians supposedly have when they talk about the problem of education, does nothing for anyone, because the discontent grows and advances, although the bureaucrats and businessmen almost always end up winning.

And they believe that to repress passion is a simple thing, that with a little tear gas and a little water they will snuff it out, like any other flame, so they will have to be reminded that they are wrong, again and again, those idiots.

The night always illuminates our steps, just like free love allows us unlimited bliss, to find us with the beautiful silence of obscurity, or at the feet of the fresh rays of the rising sun; (rays which don’t caress those awkward workers drooling over the bus windows and subway glass), running into the heat of a barricade, it’s magic, like something supreme, or can only god be supreme? We burn the churches with their pedophile priests inside, we watch those cowardly abusers from the front to spit in their faces… another day comes, but this is one of the beautiful ones, because we will combine the sun that caresses us with its heat with an emancipatory fire full of joy and hope…

Here are the barricades again, with those sensual forms we are drawn by the fire, which one day happened to arrive at a La Polar warehouse stocked with dirty merchandise. But the good guys are coming, the firefighters, those most contemptible beings, those infamous voyeurs, who complain about being hit with rocks when they were going to put out the fire, but we still remember when they gave their ladders to the police to evict the people of Andha Chile who were squatting the Mapocho for a decent living; cowards always in the service of authority.

The individual who moves toward the greatest happiness possible, will never stumble, her journey is unique and without equal, there is nothing that can stop her, not the cops in red who beat her with sticks, not morality imposing its limits, not the police infiltrators who dirty her path, not the din of their sirens to silence her…

“We banish those terrible mores from ourselves completely, like evil men who for so long have caused us harm” [2], imposing norms, morals, discipline, gods and their idiotic doctrines, we always forget society and its dominions, and cast ourselves naked into an encounter with our inner beings.

Today it is time to kill the cops in our heads, and this, to be sure, is a great battle. It’s much easier to throw a rock at an armored truck and believe that, from this act, liberty closely follows. It’s much easier to spend hours and hours talking about revolution and organization. It’s much easier to believe that going to a free university will change the world.

Students, don’t be fooled, remember that those who control the world also attended the university, and to their disgrace, some studied for free. And what did they become? Heartless beings capable of torture in their jails and murder for a few cents, and what do you say now? That you’ll be another? This remains to be seen…

Liberty is a vital and absolute force, this must be what unites us, whatever other demand will fade away with time, but if we reach any understanding of the vitality of the conquest of the individual’s own life, there will be no law that can stop her, no fear that paralyzes her, no chains that bind her, no gods that punish her as she advances firmly toward total emancipation!

There are those who still believe in revolution, and to them we say that ours began long ago, at the moment we decided to stop being sheep and became individualist and nihilist anarchists.

So, we’re not scared to tell them that today, social revolution is impossible, because this society is rotten at its core, as a product of which the individual was slowly fitted with values and a moralism that destroys her completely, and how? A taste of the whip and its punishment, of a militarized education, of the opus dei of supernumerary catholicism, and of a bourgeois Christian democratic tradition; etc… basically, of the system.

And what’s worse, those people feel proud to be humans and not animals, and as though this was not enough, they enslave and indiscriminately use the animals to lengthen their miserable lives. Thus, we despise humanity, simply because their submissive and alienated behaviors that make them modern slaves, are not within us.

In this world of sickness, “we feel alive when we shudder with the perfume of the flowers, with the songs of the birds, with the crashing of the waves, the sound of the wind, the silence of solitude” [3], we feel alives when we tremble with the heat of the fire, with the caress of chaos, with the nights of revolt…

“We rushed into the chasm, to respond to the voices of our dead” [4], they who died fighting with weapons in their hands and immense golden stars in their eyes, those who are immortal like el punky Mauri, like Claudia Lopez, who on any given night found themselves facing death so gracefully. Yes, because those of us who choose to live an intense and dangerous life, death receives us with open arms, caresses us and kisses us…

Why don’t we fear death? Because “we are used to thinking that death is nothing to us, because everything, good and bad, resides within sensation and death is the deprivation of the senses. Death is nothing to us because when we exist, death is absent and, when death is present, then we no longer exist.” [5]

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String of arsons in Chile claimed by International Revolutionary Front

Posted in Anarchism, Corporations, Direct Action & Civil Disobedience, Earth Liberation, Government, Indigenous, Police State, Prisoner Support, Revolution with tags , on August 10, 2011 by Ⓐb Irato

From Liberación Total (August 8, 2011) via This Is Our Job:

Responsibility claim for arsons. Vindication for the actions of our comrade Luciano Pitronello. Our reflections.

We are the seed of a tenacious plant. And it’s because of the road we’ve traveled and the need to keep fighting that today, although bruised, we feel somewhat more mature than yesterday. We are thus undertaking, with all our hearts, to let loose some reflections and claim responsibility for our actions as well as those of our comrade-in-ideas Luciano Pitronello, so that they might spread and be discussed in any corner of the world.

These days, it seems that a negative idea has taken root: thinking that everyone involved in the struggle goes through periods of advance and retreat, ups and downs. And although we may think that way, feeling that times are dark for us right now, there still exists the need to regroup, ensure that the unpleasant experiences of the past aren’t repeated, learn lessons, and use every possible means to avoid the bottom of the pit.

We’ve now written something about this, through which we hope our point of view comes across as clearly as possible. We don’t want to overlook any comrade’s practice. This is only what we are thinking and doing, but we are always open to discussion because the struggle is nourished by diversity. It’s the different types and ways of understanding the war that allow us to pave our way.

Firstly, we recognize the existence of an inexplicable quality born within our hearts, that drives us even to risk our lives. It’s the need to be free that makes us hurl ourselves into the void, often without thinking of any consequences. That valiant warrior spirit keeps conflict alive in its most brilliant (but neither its only nor its principal) splendor: our violence against their violence.

Through this text, we mainly want to call for new methods, materials, and knowledge to be incorporated into the violent struggle against authority. We would never dare to judge or oppose comrades who launch themselves into attack without better knowledge or infrastructure. We’re not interested in becoming professional at anything, but we are motivated by the need to intensify the war while preserving our lives and the lives of our comrades. So even if actions always involve the possibility of accidents like Mauri’s death or Luciano’s situation (which are clearly indicative of heightened conflict against authority), to us those accidents also represent a giant step backward because each attacking individuality is in itself an act of liberation, and we must use every means to avoid losses in the course of antiauthoritarian action. It’s not good to treat those tragedies as normal, even though fighters have to learn to live with them.

Secondly, it thus follows that when an individual decides to get organized and make the shift toward violent action—whether that organization takes collective or individual form—the more deeply one gets involved in the battle, the more one needs a certain minimum knowledge of methods and materials to allow for increased, sustained impact. We must be clear that said infrastructure is constructed in relation to the goals of autonomy and liberation, and it never should be considered an end in itself. Building up infrastructure is crucial to our safety, which allows us to perpetuate our actions as much as possible, thereby advancing the struggle.

We need a cushion to land on when situations get complicated, and we need to appropriate methods and knowledge that will improve our mobility, but both needs shouldn’t for any reason nullify our present. The struggle continues, and part of this war involves advancing with regard to materials. While we can’t obsess over it, we also shouldn’t overlook what we still lack.

We will continue to attack authority, maximizing our safety measures and choosing from among the enormous range of existing possibilities for attack, always increasing the diversity and breadth of our actions. Right now we choose to use fire. What will you choose?

We claim responsibility for the following actions carried out just last week:

  • Leaving a homemade incendiary device, quick and easy to prepare, at the entrance to the Local Police Courthouse in La Cisterna on the chilly evening of Wednesday, August 3 (we don’t know how much damage was caused).
  • Torching a Banco de Chile near the Plaza de Armas in downtown Santiago on the blazing evening of Thursday, August 4 (damaging the facade).
  • Setting fire to a Banco Santander in the same area on the same evening of August 4 (damaging the interior, which the press said had been looted).



 —International Revolutionary Front (Southern Fire Columns)

P.S. We send warm greetings of solidarity to our comrades around the world, especially those being charged, tried, or sentenced by the authorities, like our brothers and sisters in Greece and Switzerland and the Chilean comrades involved in the “Bombings Case.” We won’t forget them.

San Francisco: Attack in Solidarity with Tortuga and the A14 defendants

Posted in Anarchism, Direct Action & Civil Disobedience, Government, Indigenous, Police State, Prisoner Support, Revolution with tags on June 15, 2011 by Ⓐb Irato

In solidarity with our comrades in Chile, in particular Tortuga and the defendants of the so-called ‘Bombs Case’, we attacked the building housing the Chilean consulate in San Francisco. The locks to several doors were glued shut and the windows were permanently etched. No damage could compare to the pain inflicted on our fellow anarchists struggling in Chile: the stolen moments, flesh, freedom. But we wanted to express our total solidarity with their struggle. Our solidarity is only meaningful insofar as we see their efforts as reflected in our own activity. The struggle against prison society and capital is global.


More info:

Chile: Anarchist injured in action involving explosive device *

Temuko, Chile – Solidarity with Luciano

Chile: 14 August Anarchist Prisoners Radicalize their Hunger Strike

Posted in Anarchism, Direct Action & Civil Disobedience, Government, Indigenous, Police State, Prisoner Support, Revolution with tags on April 27, 2011 by Ⓐb Irato

From 325:

On Tuesday, April 19th, the prisoners of the Bombs Case, in their 58th day of hunger strike, decided to RADICALIZE THEIR HUNGER STRIKE in the following way:

-Refusal to drink liquids or isotonic sports drinks.
-Only drink water.

Their demands are:

-Freedom now.
-End to the Anti-Terrorist Law process.
-End to the remand.
-End to the Anti-Terrorist Law and to the system of anonymous witnesses for the prosecution.
-Anti-prison rights grievances.

The comrades demand the change of the Anti-Terrorist Law in the following way:

-End to the undercover witness.
-End to the unanimous vote -in the Appellate Court- for parole.
-End to the triplicate sentences capacity.

The 14-A prisoners demand the following mediation methods:

-Visit of the Santiago’s Archbishop, Ricardo Ezzati, in the Cárcel de Alta Seguridad (High Security Prison) and in the Centro Penitenciario Femenino (Female Penitentiary Center).
-Conformation of a working team to change the Anti-Terrorist Law with results, at the latest, on Wednesday April 27th.

If, on that date (April 27th), the Archbishop of Santiago doesn’t go to the prisons, the comrades will begin a DRY HUNGER STRIKE (don’t eat or drink ANYTHING).

Flyers: 1 & 2 (In English)



Chile: New Communique from the compañer@s on Hunger Strike

Posted in Anarchism, Corporations, Direct Action & Civil Disobedience, Earth Liberation, Environment, Government, Indigenous, Police State, Prisoner Support, Revolution with tags on April 21, 2011 by Ⓐb Irato

From War On Society:

Hunger strike against the Anti-Terrorist Law:

Background, Objectives, and Needs

The placement of around 130 explosive devices at public and private entities from 2005 until today has involved the operation of four prosecutors dedicated exclusively to clarifying the facts; they handed the investigation over to the intelligence units of the carabineros and the investigative police (BIPE y DIPOLCAR), who developed at least 8 lines of inquiry after the possible participants in the attacks, namely: GAP-BLP, ex subversives, CRA, organized sectors of Villa Francia, Occupied Social Centers, popular libraries, Anticapitalist Brigade and Mapuche; they spent in the tens of millions of pesos in resources in order to follow and spy on some hundreds of suspects, on not one of whom, incidentally, were they able to prove a crime, such that the process went without arrests until August 2010. This scenario led the actors and agents of the supposed “State of Rights” to collude within their class with the goal of redesigning their repressive strategy to make use of State terrorism practices inherited from the military dictatorship; planning also a powerful policing-media show that would point to supposed suspects and presumed culprits. Just prior to delivering the blow they recruited an ambitious prosecutor lacking in ethics, unlike the previous investigators who had not let themselves be intimidated by domineering functionaries and producers of television sensationalism.

In this way, by recruiting a con artist, the government took another step toward achieving its aim in the person of Hinzpeter, Minister of the Interior, who in June 2010 petitioned the federal prosecutor Sabas Chahuan, indicating that “we need concrete results in the investigation,” and the reply was, “it is necessary to give the investigation a new approach” (6/13/10). Thus — and as a direct result of this pressure, which puts into question in an unprecedented way the supposed independence of the different branches of government — the prosecutor Armendariz was dismissed and the chief prosecutor of the southern district, Alejandro Peña, appeared on the scene, who drags reports of domestic violence and anti-union practices along with him. Now he operates under the sponsorship of the Minister of the Interior. His first step was to transfer jurisdiction from the 8th Court of Santiago to the 11th of San Miguel, the prosecutor’s last true stronghold, the place where one is instructed to turn a blind eye to the inconsistencies of the evidence; the next step was to leak law enforcement information to the newspapers “El Mercurio” and “La Tercera” dealing with fabrications about the profile of the alleged bomb-setters, the subversive history of their leaders, their habitation of squatted houses, their commitment to anarchist ideology, their dark clothing and transportation on bicycles, among other absurdities. Following this plot, 58 days after taking office Peña and company unleashed a fierce repressive attack named “Operation Salamander” in the early morning of August 14th. 14 people were arrested, four of whom had been previously interrogated by the prosecutor Armendariz, which had resulted in their release due to their merits after those proceedings. On the 23rd of August the government through minister Hinzpeter congratulated Peña; the same thing that the president Piñera did a few days before to signal “a changing of hands” and that “this government is not going to allow them anything.” This lays bare the collusion between the Southern prosecution and the government, a situation that will publicly reward A. Peña with a prominent post inside the Ministry of the Interior, from which he will be able to continue and improve his as well as the government’s repressive actions, his missions will be (amongst others) to monitor and dismantle all social movements of resistance including strikes, blockades, marches, and diverse conflicts by which it will be possible to affirm that Peña has come to be “judge and jury.”

Today after over 8 months of being kidnapped by the state, we find ourselves carrying out an indefinite liquid hunger strike since the past 21st of February, based in two principle claims: immediate freedom for the defendants in this so-called “Caso Bombas” and the repeal of the anti-terrorist law. So far, we have known the generous and conscious support of diverse expressions of solidarity, individuals as well as organizations, through marches, forums, discussions, diverse activities, and many steps, all of them are concrete expressions of solidarity of necessary mutual aid amongst the exploited and marginalized, support without which this mobilization would not have feeling.

Today our complete and total rejection of the anti-terrorist law, and its implications and consequences, also manifests in the specific modification of some of its most disgusting and repressive aspects, such as the figure of “protected witnesses” and the requirement of a unanimous vote to grant a release in the appeals court, as articulated in article 7 of section 19 of the Political Constitution.

Because of this we call for you to take a stand in relation to the urgent necessity that the Minister of the Interior withdraw the anti-terrorist charges in this case, in light of the spectacular dealing and collusion that have recently revealed the corrupt appointment of prosecutor Peña directly to the the office of the ministry in order to take charge of monitoring social conflict. As a corollary they will reward his unethical and questionable management. This is how the plot of the “Caso Bombas” farce becomes clear and evident.

We believe it is necessary to present the vicious shortcomings and irregularities of the judicial process that we have been subjected to, all of this is denounced under the Interamerican Court of Human Rights (CIDH); in this way we aim at the legitimate doubts and questioning we are presented with surrounding the impartial process that supposedly guarantees a fair trial.

We also believe it is necessary to make the necessary efforts to work toward establishing a concrete application that allows our demands to be known and debated by all parties, that they be given the specific characteristics of this penal process, so that everyone who can contribute toward this end are invited to do so.

Finally we demand an end to the continual harassment on the part of the gendarmerie against the defendants in this so-called “caso bombas,” exemplified by the lack of communication they seek to impose between us by placing us on different floors of a single module of the CAS. Now, to put every thing in its place, every solidarity effort is welcome.

We announce that if our appeal is not heard, beginning on April 27th we will radicalize and intensify our mobilization, adopting whatever measures we deem necessary.





Andrea Urzúa
Mónica Caballero
Rodolfo Retamales
Felipe Guerra
Camilo Perez
Carlos Riveros
Omar Hermosilla
Vinicio Aguilera
Francisco Solar
Pablo Morales

Indonesia: Kulon Progo Self-Organised Struggle Against Neoliberal Megaproject

Posted in Corporations, Direct Action & Civil Disobedience, Earth Liberation, Environment, Government, Indigenous, Police State, Revolution with tags , on April 19, 2011 by Ⓐb Irato

Kulon Progo Self-organised Struggle Against Neoliberal Megaproject

We call for the strongest possible international solidarity with the fighting peasants of Kulon Progo, Indonesia. They are organising to defend their lives and the environment from the ruthless mining operations of the exploiting capitalists and their state backers, with an absolute rejection of leftism and political wrangling. Let’s internationalise the anti-capitalist resistance!

Received via email, please spread and translate:

Dear Comrades,

We are small loose collective (informal) in Yogyakarta, located in central Java, a region considered as “special territory” inside the democratic state due to its historical role as a Kingdom of Java, and for the same reason, some of the old feudal rules still preserved inside the so called democratic state.

Since 2007 we have involved in creating solidarity with the peasant struggle in Kulon Progo which is located inside Yogyakarta region. The struggle was about resisting iron mining which ARE a joint cooperation of Australian Kimberly Diamond (Indomines) and its local “puppet” branch company named “Jogja Magasa Iron (Mining)”. Jogja Magasa Iron are owned by the Sultan of Yogyakarta’s (Sri Sultan Hamengkubowono X) daughter, GKR Pembayun.

The Mega-Project

The planning of Iron mines are just a gateway for other mega-project to come, that we recognised as a development proposal from Asian Development Bank. Kulon Progo territorial are a crucial point in making further capitalist infrastructure in java, that is to create alternative highways, international airport, and other industrial infrastructure that would be a pivotal role for other mining and industrial project in surrounding area. These projects involved companies and investors from other countries include: Czech, Australia, and South Korea (some of the foreign investor that we already acknowledge).

Agrarian Conflict

As laws are easily made up by the ruling class. The former agrarian laws that protects peasants land after the independence were threatened to change due to the political-economic interest of the elites:

In according the original to state laws, the peasants have the most legality to cultivate the land. But it is not really permanent since there is also a law that says “Every natural resources are owned by the state”. Feudal claiming of the land by the Sultan also create a mystification of “Special Territory” and its historical justification as a kingdom. Which fortunately until now, no law were officialy justifying the Sultan’s need to officially owned all of the land in Yogyakarta: Wonosari, Bantul, Sleman, Kulon Progo.

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Anarchy Against Civilization!

Posted in Anarchism, Animal Liberation, Corporations, Direct Action & Civil Disobedience, Earth Liberation, Environment, Government, Indigenous, Police State, Revolution with tags , , , , , , on February 2, 2011 by veteranarchist

Far too many times, we as anarchists can get locked into ideology and blueprint making rather than thinking critically and acting to meet current challenges. The idea of challenging capitalism and the state was one that was relatively new to western civilization when the first people to be called anarchists in a political sense first put forth their ideas. We should not be satisfied to stop there. They didn’t face issues such as climate change, neo-liberal globalization, or peak production. That doesn’t mean we can afford to ignore those issues. Most early anarchists didn’t challenge extraction, economics, technology, domestication, agriculture, mass society, or civilization but that should not bar us from doing so.

What is civilization?

Civilization can be defined as a way of life based around growing urbanization and the social relationships that result. Urban areas, also known as cities, are defined as populations so dense as to require the importation of the means to sustain the city itself and its population.

Upon an initial landbase, a city is built, including houses, businesses, government buildings, infrastructure, etc. This gives people a place to live, but not the means. Because of this, the civilization must seek out external landbases to exploit in order to harvest the resources to keep it going, to build and maintain houses, bridges, roads, sewer lines, water lines, electrical lines, public transportation, food for restaurants, clothing for the stores, luxury items for the civilized, personal transportation, entertainment, and so on ad infinitum.

Eventually, as cities grow and populations increase and the civilization requires more and more external land to provide the civilized with goods, the civilization will run into land with people on it, usually people whose way of life depends on that land. When the civilized encounter such people, they usually have the option (if they aren’t killed outright) of working highly exploitative jobs to provide goods or services for the civilized on their traditional lands, moving to the cities to find work, or fighting back.

Because most civilized people do not grow their own food or make their own clothing or build their own houses, access their own water… because the civilized pass these responsibilities on to others, some kind of exchange must take place. As the demands of civilization increase, more and more land is needed to produce goods and services for the civilized. Eventually this means that the civilized will run into traditional communities or other civilizations sitting on top of the land they wish to exploit…

Civilization always views the natural world as “natural resources.”

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